Mile High Vineyard

When we think about growing in our lives with God we don’t often include our physical bodies. This week founding pastor, Jay Pathak, looks at the importance of creating rhythms and routines around a healthy physical body and the part that plays as we grow to be more like Jesus.

Direct download: 1-28.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm MDT

Not a single person on their deathbed looks back over their life and wishes they had spent more time working, or more time on facebook and instagram. This week Arvada Vineyard pastor, Corey Garris, helps us take a look at one of the hardest things to build rhythms around but that the scriptures say life is really all about, relationships.

Direct download: 1-21.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm MDT

We all want to live the good life, full of meaning, purpose, beauty, love and joy. But when we live in the fast lane do we really get to experience any of that? This week founding pastor, Jay Pathak examines what the life of Jesus has to show us about creating regular rhythms of slowing down, unplugging and quieting all the distractions so we can truly experience the best kind of life.

Direct download: 1-14.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm MDT

Whats your resolutions for this new year? Have you spent some time thinking about what you’re going to do to see those happen? In the frantic, upbeat, busy lives we all live, how does one make time and space to grow and transform? As we start our new sermon series “Rhythm” pastor Jay Pathak speaks about starting the new year out right by seeking first the Kingdom of God and how that might free us up to become the kinds of people we were made to be.

Direct download: 1-7.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm MDT