Sun, 29 November 2015
Lead Pastor Jay Pathak began our new series "Behold" this past Sunday. During his talk, he shared the keys to beholding (focusing our attention on) Jesus well this Advent season - by magnifying Him with thanksgiving. |
Sun, 22 November 2015
Lead Pastor Jay Pathak continues our Relate series this week, highlighting the power and pain of being a part of a family. He shows us how vital it is to know the stories of our families so we can more fully know who we are and how we've been shaped as well as so we can decide who we want to become. |
Sun, 15 November 2015
This week, it was Baptism Sunday for our Arvada Hub (who was also celebrating its first services in our new Arvada Hub building). In addition, it was also Orphan Sunday. Lead Pastor Jay Pathak continued the Relate Series highlighting the scriptural call, challenge, benefit and promise presented by showing sacrificial love to others. |
Sun, 8 November 2015
It was one of our favorite Sundays of the year: Baptism Sunday! Lead Pastor Jay Pathak continued our Relate series discussing how baptism signifies the power of repentance and how repentance is the beginning of reconciliation. |
Sun, 1 November 2015
Lead Pastor Jay Pathak continued our Relate series this week by focusing on perhaps the most difficult and yet most necessary topic: forgiveness. For our OWN sake, we must forgive others. |