Mile High Vineyard

Jay Pathak starts a new series called What Do You Want?

Direct download: 3.31.13.mp3
Category:Sermon -- posted at: 9:15am MST

Jay Pathak speaks on Palm Sunday about expectations. 

Direct download: 3.24.13.mp3
Category:Sermon -- posted at: 7:45am MST

Jay Pathak speaks about the importance of investing in children.

Direct download: 3.17.13.mp3
Category:Sermon -- posted at: 9:15am MST

Jay Pathak speaks about the importance of living life in community. 

Direct download: 3.10.13.mp3
Category:Sermon -- posted at: 7:45am MST

Danielle Pathak speaks about how our pain isn't just for ourselves as she finishes up the series on addiction and recovery.

Direct download: 3.3.13.mp3
Category:Sermon -- posted at: 9:15am MST