Mile High Vineyard

Pastor Corey Garris finishes up the series this week, The Best Question Ever. Corey speaks about having people of authority in your life who can look in from the outside  and help you make decisions and point you in the right direction.

Direct download: 1.25.15.mp3
Category:Sermon -- posted at: 9:30am MST

Pastor Jay Pathak continuous the series The Best Question Ever with the topic being money. Do you have margin and peace or are you stressed when you thinking about your finances? Jay talks about ways to change what's happening in your finances and what the Bible has to say about it.

Direct download: 1.18.15.mp3
Category:Sermon -- posted at: 9:30am MST

Pastor Jay Pathak continuous the series The Best Question Ever. This week it's the topic of time. Are we using our time so that at the end of our life we aren't asking, Where did time go?

Direct download: 1.11.15.mp3
Category:Sermon -- posted at: 9:30am MST

Pastor Jay Pathak starts a new series for 2015 called The Best Question Ever

Direct download: 1.4.15.mp3
Category:Sermon -- posted at: 9:30am MST