Mile High Vineyard

This week we continue in our summer series, Exodus, Pastor Corey Garris speaks about the how our hearts can be hardened against the good things God would have for us. We do this through the scriptures from Exodus 9:12 & 9:33-35.

Direct download: 6-4.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm MST

This week we started the series that will take us through most of the Summer, Exodus. In the first week Pastor Jay Pathak sets up the series by first looking at Genesis and the story that brings us to what is happening in Exodus. The scripture for this week is Exodus 1:1-14


* The video that will be heard during the podcast comes from the Bible app: Read Scripture and is free to download if you want to be able to see that.  

Direct download: 052117.mp3
Category:Sermon -- posted at: 10:45am MST

This week, on Mother's Day, pastor Anabeth Morgan takes us through Romans 16:1-16 and speaks about what it means to be a Romans 16 woman but also about women in leadership today. 

Direct download: 051417.mp3
Category:Sermon -- posted at: 10:45am MST

This week is our baptism week at Mile High Vineyard. Pastor Jay Pathak speaks about what it looks like to leave it all behind and give it to Jesus. 

Direct download: 050717.mp3
Category:Sermon -- posted at: 10:45am MST