Mile High Vineyard

Jay continues the Freedom of Simplicity series and speaks about when we rightly invest our time, the change and transformation that we desire are able to happen. 

Direct download: 1.26.14.mp3
Category:Sermon -- posted at: 9:15am MST

Executive pastor Corey Garris continues The Freedom of Simplicity series and speaks about how the way we view our finances can help simplify our lives and bring peace and freedom. 

Direct download: 1.19.14.mp3
Category:Sermon -- posted at: 9:15am MST

In this first part of the series, the Freedom of Simplicity, Jay reminds us of the transformational power and accompanying peace that comes when we rightly align our hearts and lives to keep Jesus first.

Direct download: 1-12-2014.mp3
Category:Sermon -- posted at: 9:15am MST

On this first Sunday of the New Year, our Administrative Pastor, Becca Knusden, guides us through a time of listening to three powerful stories of what God's been up to in the lives of some people in our church.

Direct download: 1-5-2014.mp3
Category:Sermon -- posted at: 9:15am MST