Mile High Vineyard

In a world that seems so confusing and painful even in the midst of celebration the Christmas Story calls out to us and tells of a God who would break in and come for you in Jesus. As we wrap up our series founding pastor, Jay Pathak, shares a special Christmas message that reminds us why Christmas is so special as we celebrate God inserting himself into human history and becoming the world's Thrill Of Hope.

Direct download: 12-24.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm MDT

What if God designed the Christmas story in such a way that His son would be despised before people even knew him? That when the people of the day thought of his place of birth they would actually be put off. What if it’s not success and power but humility in which rescue would come? This week as we near the end of our series “A Thrill Of Hope” Discover Church pastor, Preston Ulmer, explores the prophecy that the savior of all would be born intentionally into the wrong tribe.

Direct download: 12-17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm MDT

Have you ever wondered if God could have written any story he wanted to why he chose to come as a baby? In weakness and need? Requiring the help of not his own people, but the help from those who oppressed his people? This week in "A Thrill Of Hope" Pastor, Jay Pathak, explores how God uses people from the wrong place to help carry on the story that will make all things new again.

Direct download: 12-10.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm MDT

You’ve probably heard the Christmas Story a time or two in your life, but have you ever stopped to think about the set up for such a crazy story? Like the wise men… who are these guys? And what would compel them to travel so far just to visit a baby? This week as we begin our Advent series, pastor, Jay Pathak, explores the origins of the Magi and how compelled by “Thrill Of Hope” they set the stage for the Christmas Story.

Direct download: 12-3.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm MDT

What are you thankful for this holiday season? Is it the amazing food and drinks? All the fun parties? Or maybe you're thankful for the gifts? This week as we wrap up our series “You’ll Thank Me Later” founding pastor, Jay Pathak, keys in on how to be grateful for what we already have and not just get stuck focusing on what we lack. Especially the people and relationships that surround us.

Direct download: 11-26.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm MDT

When it comes to being & feeling wealthy, perception is everything. How you think about your resources will largely determine what you do with them. So why do we all end up feeling more poor than we actaully are? This week Pastor, Jay Pathak uses a talk from the founder of Financial Peace University, Dave Ramsey, to help flip our view of what God has given us and hopefully help us start to see through a lens of gratitude.

Direct download: 11-19.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm MDT

We are taking the next few weeks leading up to thanksgiving to examine gratitude and how we can be thankful in and out of the holiday season. So this week as we start our new series “You’ll Thank Me Later” pastor, Corey Garris helps us get a glimpse of the most important thing to be grateful for in our lives with God, rescue.

Direct download: 11-12.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm MDT

It’s here, the final week of our series “I Love My Church”. This week pastor, Jay Pathak looks towards the mission of God’s people to help find one final analogy to describe what the church is and why it's so important.

Direct download: 11-5.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm MDT

What do you think people are invited into when they decide to follow Jesus and have life with God? Is it a simply a means to live a happy, moral life? Or is it something more? This week in “I Love My Church” pastor, Jay Pathak, takes a look at a different narrative from 2 Timothy and asks the question “When we say yes to Jesus, have we been recruited to an army and are now at war?”

Direct download: 10-29.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm MDT

Have you ever been to a wedding and watched as two people vow to give themselves to each other for the rest of their lives? It's a moving, emotional experience right? The bible uses the image of a wedding to describe God's relationship to us pretty often & most of the time it means to draw certain emotions out of us. So what exactly is the scriptures trying to communicate about who God is & what should our response be to that? This week in "I Love My Church" pastor, Corey Garris, takes a look at the book of Hosea to answer these questions to help us bring some clarity to this compelling but sometimes confusing imagery.

Direct download: 10-22.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm MDT

When you hear the word "family" what do you think of? Your parents? Your spouse? Your kids? Maybe you think of your siblings? No matter who comes to mind, when we hear the phrase "the family of God" we all imagine something. While sometimes that can be helpful to how we think about church, often times it actually does the exact opposite. This week in "I Love My Church" pastor, Corey Garris, lays out exactly what the bible has to say about the word family & what that means as we live life with those around us.

Direct download: 10-15.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm MDT

As a follower of Jesus how do you both live Holy and also engage the culture around you? The scriptures use an interesting analogy when it comes to navigating this tension… the temple. What do these two have to do with each other? Take a listen and find out as pastor, Jay Pathak explains.

Direct download: 10-8.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm MDT

What do you think it means to be part of a church? We all have different ways to think about this question but one of the most commonly used metaphors to explain what it means to be involved in a church is the human body. This week as we continue in our series I Love My Church, Pastor, Jay Pathak uses the text of Romans 12:1-8 to explain why thinking about the church as a body can be really helpful.

Direct download: 10-1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm MDT

Does gathering together on Sundays even matter if we all follow Jesus? If you have ever been a part of a local church at some point you will probably ask this question. This week as we start our brand new series “I Love My Church” pastor, Jay Pathak, tackles what the scriptures have to say about that very thing.

Direct download: 9-24.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm MDT

If we are responsible for the messes we make, is God responsible to clean them up for us? This week Pastor of Discover Church in the Highlands, Preston Ulmer, uses the text from Judges 16 to work through this very hard question.

Direct download: 9-17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm MDT

Do you know the idols that capture your attention & how they show up in your life? This week Jay Pathak looks at 1 John 5:19-21 and the warning he gives to be proactive against the things that threaten to disable us from living fully alive in the kingdom.

Direct download: 9-10.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm MDT

Social Isolation is a growing epidemic in our modern world. So what does the scriptures say is the way forward in the face of such an cultural epidemic? This week as we wrap up our series Reel Faith, Pastor, Jay Pathak, explores what we can do to connect in an increasingly isolated world through the film "Up In The Air".

Direct download: 9-3.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm MDT

Connecting across cultures can be hard, specially in this thing called the Church. So how much should someone have to overcome to enter into life with God and connect with people in the Church? This week as we continue in our series Reel Faith, Pastor, Jay Pathak, explores this through the film "My Big Fat Greek Wedding".

The scripture for this week is Acts 15:19-21.

Direct download: 8-27.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm MDT

This week we start a new sermon series, Reel Faith, as Pastor, Jay Pathak, looks at the film "Toy Story" and what we can learn about how our own insecurities disable us from being able to connect with others.

The scripture for this week is 1 Corinthians 3:1-23.

Direct download: 8-20.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm MDT

During this final week of our summer series, Exodus, Pastor Jay Pathak wraps up the book of Exodus by looking forward to the life of Jesus and how He fulfills the place of the passover lamb and the message of Exodus.

Direct download: 8-13.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm MDT

This week as we get close to the end of our summer series, Exodus, Pastor Corey Garris takes us through a guided tour of God's Presence throughout the scriptures and what that points to both in our current reality and also for the future. The scripture for this week is Exodus 40:34-38.


Direct download: 8-6.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm MDT

This week as we get close to the end of our summer series, Exodus, Pastor Jay Pathak examines what the book of Exodus says about God being both merciful and just and what that means for our daily lives both with Him and with each other. The scripture for this week is Exodus 34:1-9.


* The videos that will be heard during the podcast comes from the Bible app: Read Scripture and is free to download if you want to be able to see them.

Direct download: 7-30.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm MDT

This week as we continue in our summer series, Exodus, Pastor Jay Pathak looks at what it means to worship idols and specifically what the story of the golden calf in Exodus can tell us about our modern cultural patterns of worship. The scripture for this week is Exodus 32:1-14.


* The videos that will be heard during the podcast comes from the Bible app: Read Scripture and is free to download if you want to be able to see them.

Direct download: 7-23.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm MDT

This week as we move forward with our summer series, Exodus, Pastor Jay Pathak examines what the scriptures have to say about the Kingdom Of God and how the tabernacle was created to represent the merging of our world and God's Kingdom. The scripture for this week is Exodus 25:1-9.


* The videos that will be heard during the podcast comes from the Bible app: Read Scripture and is free to download if you want to be able to see them.

Direct download: 7-16.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm MDT

This week we continue in our summer series, Exodus, as Pastor Corey Garris takes on the difficult subject of law & grace. Showing how God created the two to coexist and even compliment each other. The scripture for this week is Exodus 19:4-6.

Direct download: 7-9.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm MDT

This week we continue in our summer series, Exodus, as Pastor and Church Planter Noelle Shearer looks at what lessons the ancient book of Exodus can teach us about adulting in a modern world. The scripture for this week is Exodus 18:13-24.


Direct download: 7-2.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm MDT

This week we continue in our summer series, Exodus, as Pastor Corey Garris looks at God's provision for His people in the dessert and how God provides for His people today. The scripture for this week is Exodus 16:1-20.


Direct download: 6-25.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm MDT

This week we continue in our summer series, Exodus, as Pastor Jay Pathak examines the first worship song in the scriptures in which Moses responds to God rescuing the Israelites by parting the Red Sea. The scripture for this week is Exodus 15:1-19.


* The video that will be heard during the podcast comes from the Bible app: Read Scripture and is free to download if you want to be able to see that.

Direct download: 6-18.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm MDT

This week we continue in our summer series, Exodus, as Pastor Corey Garris speaks about the Passover and how the Seder meal represents sanctification, deliverance, redemption and praise. The scripture we focus on this week is Exodus 12:1-13.

Direct download: 6-11.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm MDT

This week we continue in our summer series, Exodus, as Pastor Jay Pathak speaks to systemic injustice and how followers of Jesus are challenged to engage the most broken parts of our world. The scripture for this week is Exodus 3:1-12.


* The video that will be heard during the podcast comes from the Bible app: Read Scripture and is free to download if you want to be able to see that.

Direct download: 052817.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:00pm MDT

This week we continue in our summer series, Exodus, Pastor Corey Garris speaks about the how our hearts can be hardened against the good things God would have for us. We do this through the scriptures from Exodus 9:12 & 9:33-35.

Direct download: 6-4.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm MDT

This week we started the series that will take us through most of the Summer, Exodus. In the first week Pastor Jay Pathak sets up the series by first looking at Genesis and the story that brings us to what is happening in Exodus. The scripture for this week is Exodus 1:1-14


* The video that will be heard during the podcast comes from the Bible app: Read Scripture and is free to download if you want to be able to see that.  

Direct download: 052117.mp3
Category:Sermon -- posted at: 10:45am MDT

This week, on Mother's Day, pastor Anabeth Morgan takes us through Romans 16:1-16 and speaks about what it means to be a Romans 16 woman but also about women in leadership today. 

Direct download: 051417.mp3
Category:Sermon -- posted at: 10:45am MDT

This week is our baptism week at Mile High Vineyard. Pastor Jay Pathak speaks about what it looks like to leave it all behind and give it to Jesus. 

Direct download: 050717.mp3
Category:Sermon -- posted at: 10:45am MDT

This week Pastor Corey Garris talks about what we do when there is crisis in our lives. How do you respond and are you wasting it? 

Direct download: 043017.mp3
Category:Sermon -- posted at: 10:45am MDT

This week pastor Jay Pathak speaks about how what Jesus did for us the day that he died on the cross isn't just to be remembered and celebrated one day a year but everyday of the week. 

Direct download: 042317.mp3
Category:Sermon -- posted at: 10:45am MDT

This week, on Easter Sunday, Pastor Jay Pathak takes on the question of, Did it really happen? Did Jesus really die and then raise from the dead to save us from our sins? The scripture for this week is Luke 24:13-35. 

Direct download: 041617.mp3
Category:Sermon -- posted at: 10:45am MDT

This year for our Good Friday service Pastor Danielle Pathak takes time to reflect on the agony that was the cross. 

Direct download: 041417.mp3
Category:Sermon -- posted at: 7:00pm MDT

This week, on Palm Sunday, pastor Jay Pathak continues our series 40 Days Of Drawing Near To Jesus. This week in the series Jay speaks about how God limits his power so that we have to become his hands and feet, serving those in need. 

Direct download: 040917.mp3
Category:Sermon -- posted at: 10:45am MDT

This week in our series, 40 Days Of Drawing Near To Jesus, pastor Corey Garris speaks about the life of Jesus and being surprised by what he offers us.  

Direct download: 040217.mp3
Category:Sermon -- posted at: 10:45am MDT

This week in our series, 40 Days Of Drawing Near To Jesus, pastor Jay Pathak speaks about how we are to be filled with the power and presence of the Holy Spirit. Not only for ourselves but also to give away for the sake of others. 

Direct download: 032617.mp3
Category:Sermon -- posted at: 10:45am MDT

This week in our sermon series, 40 Days Of Drawing Near To Jesus, pastor Jay Pathak speaks about moving against our culture to have a full and meaningful life. 

Direct download: 031917.mp3
Category:Sermon -- posted at: 10:45am MDT

This week in our series, 40 Days of Drawing Near to Jesus, pastor Jay Pathak talks about the practice of getting away and praying to connect to Jesus.

Direct download: 031217.mp3
Category:Sermon -- posted at: 10:45am MDT

In the first week of our sermon series, 40 Days, Pastor Jay Pathak speaks about temptation. When we find ourselves in the desert how do we deal with the temptations that can arise?

Direct download: 030517.mp3
Category:Sermon -- posted at: 10:45am MDT

This week in our series, Character That Changes The World, pastor Corey Garris speaks about how the scriptures point to perseverance being the number one character attribute to living a full life. 

Direct download: 022617.mp3
Category:Sermon -- posted at: 10:45am MDT

This week in our series, Character That Changes The World, pastor Jay Pathak speaks on what it looks like to be wrong and how to grow in those moments.  

Direct download: 021817.mp3
Category:Sermon -- posted at: 10:45am MDT

In the first week of our series, character that changes the world, pastor Jay Pathak speaks about courage and how when we move towards things with courage it changes our world and the people around us. Note: Jay uses a video in his sermon. You will want to watch it at the following link before you listen to the podcast: 

Direct download: 021217.mp3
Category:Sermon -- posted at: 10:45am MDT

This week in our series, Kingdom, Pastor Jay Pathak talks about stepping outside your comfort zone and leaning into serving the kingdom. 

Direct download: 020517.mp3
Category:Sermon -- posted at: 10:45am MDT

This week in our series, Kingdom, pastor Jay Pathak speaks about how you can bring the kingdom of God to where you work and to the people around you. 

Direct download: 012217.mp3
Category:Sermon -- posted at: 10:45am MDT

This week in the first week of our series, Kingdom: where you live, pastor Jay Pathak talks about the kingdom of God and how it effect everywhere you live. 

Direct download: 011517.mp3
Category:Sermon -- posted at: 10:45am MDT

This week pastor Corey Garris talks about the seasons in our life. We had seasons last year that we can look back on and we will have new ones this year.  

Direct download: 010817.mp3
Category:Sermon -- posted at: 10:45am MDT