Mile High Vineyard

Pastor Jay Pathak continues his series on hurdles that we can encounter in our walk with Jesus.

Direct download: 10.26.14.mp3
Category:Sermon -- posted at: 9:30am MDT

Pastor Jay Pathak countinues his series on hurdles that people face in coming to know Jesus. This week he talks about Hypocrisy and the challenge of integrity.

Direct download: 10.19.14.mp3
Category:Sermon -- posted at: 9:30am MDT

Pastor Jay Pathak continues a series on different hurdles we can face as we try to come to Jesus.

Direct download: 10.12.14.mp3
Category:Sermon -- posted at: 9:30am MDT

Pastor Jay Pathak starts a new series on hurdles. Things that can get in our way of having the life Jesus has meant for us to have.

Direct download: 10.5.14.mp3
Category:Sermon -- posted at: 9:30am MDT